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Erectile Dysfunction 


What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?


There are a few things that causes ED 

  •  Health problems such as Diabetes, hypertension, heart condition, and low blood pressure. 

  •  Certain lifestyle choices like Drugs, Alcohol, or even your diet. 

  •  Stress, Depression, and even side effects from medication. 

  •  A side effect from prescription drugs 


Can Erectile Dysfunction be Reversed?


It can be improved significantly with treatment. 


Why should I see your physicians instead of seeing my own physician for a sexual performance problem? 


We will treat the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, premature ejaculation, and low Testosterone. General physicians or even urologists are perfect for other problems, but while they may deal with patients who experience your problem three or four times each month, we deal with only these issues several thousand times per year. Our specialized treatment programs are specifically designed for those types of concerns.


I have tried Viagra, Levitra, Cialis but they didn't work for me. Also, I've tried herbal capsules advertised on TV, which don't work either. What can Oasis offer me that may work for my problem? 


Our physicans has available state of the art FDA approved medications specifically designed to work when Viagra®, Levitra®,Cialis® don’t. Our medications are safe, and clinically proven to be successful for problems exactly like yours.
Herbal formulas are neither effective nor safe, and the unregulated chemicals and herbs within them may be harmful to you and should certainly be avoided. The FDA has not approved them and recognizes that they are only dietary supplements, not medication, strongly recommending against them, as they contain undisclosed ingredients which may cause dangerous side effects.


What types of medications are available for my treatment?


we utilize only painless and completely safe medical options available to effectively treat your problem so you obtain an erection in your first visit. Our doctors will not prescribe herbs, as herbs are not FDA approved medications.


There is no way to determine which type of medical treatment will be the most effective to treat your condition until the doctor has examined you for your specific condition. He will then determine the most effective treatment that will work immediately to create and maintain the desired erection. The doctor will take the time necessary to discuss your options with you after completion of the examination testing and he has determined the best treatments options available to you.


What if I suffer from other ailments, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, prostate problems and/or removal, or if I take medications needed for those conditions? Can Oasis still help me? 


Our Physicians are competent working with patients with the same type of issues, the medications which you take for your conditions, or even unique new medications.
Our medications will work for you despite almost any medical condition or the medications you are taking. You cannot lose anything by coming in for the appointment.


How long will the office visit take, what will happen & what does it cost?


Immediately upon your arrival, you will be taken to a private examining room to see a doctor. He will perform a few tests, including an ultra sound test, check all medical conditions, and ask about any medications you are presently taking. He will take those results and discuss with you the best treatment to address your concern immediately and to get and maintain an erection that you will not believe. The treatments are safe and painless with no side effects. After several minutes he will return to the room to be sure you are happy with the results. He will then discuss with you the time you would like to maintain your erection every time you decide to have sex. Your total time will be about 1 ½ to 2 hours as we need to make sure your test dose worked properly. The cost of the office visit, the tests (including the initial application of medication and the blood test) is 199.


What do I need to be prepared for an appointment?


For your appointment you will need 

  • A list of your current medication. 

  • A list of your family’s medical history if you have it. 

  • Write down a list of questions that you would like to ask our Specialist. 

  • Make sure that you take a shower before visiting our specialist.  


How come I have not heard of these medications?


You are used to hearing about national brands such as Levitra®, Viagra® or Cialis.® Those products are sold as a 1 pill fits all solution with various side effects. Each prescription issued by Our Physicians is a compounded medication formulated individually for the patient. Our Physician prescribes an exact dosage to effectively treat your individual problem and desires with minimal if any side effects.


Is my insurance going to cover this treatment?


We do not accept insurance directly at our medical centers. We will provide you with the appropriate medical receipts you can submit to your insurer for possible reimbursement if you want. Reimbursement by your insurer would depend on your plan, our diagnosis of your medical condition and your coverage. From experience we know that you would be better to wait until after your consultation is completed, because the doctor needs to complete all the tests first, get a diagnosis and provide the paper work that applies to your diagnosis.


What is the ultra sound test for?


The ultrasound measures the blood flow in the Cavernosa, which is the area that makes or hampers the erection. The results of that test, along with other tests will determine the exact prescription fitted to your condition to work for you every time.


How can I immediately get started to end my problem?


Simply take the first easy step and pick up the phone NOW! Our male telephone counselors are here to help you. Just call 832-515-2926 now to set an appointment at your convenience, often the very same day! Our Physician wants you to know that hundreds of times every month, we hear the same thing from our patients. “I only wish I had made that call earlier.” 

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