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Low Testosterone


What is Testosterone?


Testosterone helps regulate sex drive, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells and sperm. It has been found that high levels of testosterone is linked to a low level of body fat.


What is Low Testosterone?


Low testosterone is when your testosterone levels have fallen to a level that is not within range for your age group. Testosterone is an important hormone in males that cause them to maintain muscle, bone strength, and a healthy sex drive. Testosterone is responsible for many changes in puberty, such as a deeper voice, growth spurts, and growth of body hair. Testosterone is important in maintaining your overall health, so if you aren’t feeling yourself lately, low testosterone may the cause for that.


Causes of Low T and Symptoms


As men age, it is natural to see a decline in testosterone production. Men go through andropause, which is similar to the hormone change older women go through — menopause. Abnormally low levels of testosterone may be caused by a number of things.


Some factors are

  • Obesity

  • Pain medications

  • Diabetes


In men under the age of 50, low testosterone causes are associated with

  • Primary or secondary hypogonadism

  • Pituitary tumors

  • Radiation treatment for cancer


Symptoms of low testosterone include

  • Low energy levels

  • Reduced muscle mass

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Mood changes

  • Infertility

  • Slow hair growth


If you notice any of these low t symptoms, you should book an appointment at Oasis Mind & body to be thoroughly examined and provided with low testosterone therapy solutions. If you’re not sure, give us a call and we can help you determine low testosterone signs.


How Low T Disrupts Overall Health


If you have low testosterone levels, it may cause you to feel depressed due to the physical health problems it causes. Your regular sex life can get disrupted due to erectile dysfunction, and if you’re trying to conceive, it may be near impossible with infertility issues. This can also add to depression if you’re trying hard for a family but can’t make it happen. Other health issues associated with Low T can also make it harder to live a fulfilling life every day.


What Are The Normal Levels of Testosterone?


Low testosterone has a value of about 300 or lower

Average testosterone has a value of about 300 - 700.

The optimal value that we strive for our clients to have is in between the 700 and 1000 range. 


How Do You Know Your Levels of Testosterone?


You can take our $125 blood test which helps monitor a wide range of different substances in your blood. 


Solving Men's Sexual Health Concerns Related to Low T


Although it is natural for men to go through a slight decline in testosterone when they age, some may have more rapid decline due to andropause. Low testosterone levels may cause you to feel lethargic and not as interested in sex as you were before. We take same-day appointments so you get efficient consultations for your sexual health problems.


Treatments and Therapies


Thankfully, there is low testosterone treatment available at our clinic. 99% of low testosterone therapy involves testosterone injections. Sometimes, you may be given creams or gels. There is nothing to be taken orally. Although we do not write prescriptions for a low testosterone cure, our clinic does offer testosterone replacement therapy. If you feel like testosterone treatment is the solution for you, give our clinic a call and we’ll set you up with an appointment. We can even give you a same-day appointment if you wish! Unfortunately, we are not a reproductive health clinic, so you may need to see another doctor for infertility issues.



Call for appointment:

Men's Health : 832-515-2926

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