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Waist Management

A different approach

What is weight Management?


It is making sure that you are within your correct BMI for your body type. BMI or Body Mass Index is a calculation of your weight and height and helps to determine if you are under weight, average, overweight, or obese. 


What is your weight loss process?


Our Weight Loss Process starts with our initial consolation in which we take your height and weight to calculate your BMI. Next we discuss your family medical history and any concerns about your weight loss that you may have a tailor a custom plan to your body. Our idea is to help you get started with your weight loss with your weight loss journey. By giving you the information along with appetite suppressants and vitamin injections or IV infusions. 

How do I Schedule an Appointment?

The best way to schedule an appointment is by calling our phones 281-972-8870 or by clinking the button bellow to request more information on our weight loss service. 

What should I expect from your weight loss program?

You can expect a 1 to 2 pounds per week by sticking to our diet and exercise plan. 

What should I expect in my follow up appointment?

In your follow up appointment you should expect your first B12 injection or IV infusion. We also will track your height and wait for you to make show how much weight you have lost. We will also talk to you about your progress and your diet plan.

The term "Metabolic" refers to wide range of biochemical processes involved in normal bodily functions. This process is supervised by a physician/NP to best help each individual patient specifically manage their health concerns. During the first visit, you should allow about 30-45 minutes for the full evaluation.

Initial evaluation is covered by insurance 

  • Height, Weight, medical history review & BMI Calculation

  • One on One Counseling

  • Lab work per provider

Each person has different metabolic activity and thus each patients' optimum health plan will cater to their particular body type. we will review the treatment plan in depth and be able to support vitamin, amino acid, HCG, HGH, Infusions and testosterone supplementation (with appropriate and timely lab work at providers discretion).

After your initial visit, follow up visits will be once every 30 days to check for improvements and make any necessary changes to the optimum health plan. Revisits will cover:

  • Provider Evaluation

  • Nutritional Counseling  

  • Sexual Health Counseling

  • IV Infusions options

A revisit can take roughly 10-15 minutes. This visit can be in clinic or virtual through Skype/FaceTime, at provider discretion.

Call for appointment.


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